CASEpeer’s “A Conversation With” Webinar Series is focused on providing valuable insights, new perspectives, and thought-provoking information from innovators in the legal and technology spaces. In this week’s webinar, “Converting Leads for Your Law Firm,” CASEpeer CEO Gabriela Cubeiro sits down with Brett Whitten, Strategic Account Manager at Ngage Live Chat, to break down the biggest lead conversion mistakes they see law firms make.
Throughout their conversation, they address the importance of tracking website visitors and the best practices for bridging the gap between leads and retained clients to name a few. This conversation-styled interview provides further insights into why having a live chat platform on your website is important for building your practice.
Brett Whitten has spent the last eight years helping grow Ngage Live Chat by showing law firms how to convert more business out of their websites. During the conversation, Brett explains the various methods by which law firms can connect with their clients and dives into the different methods of communication.

Brett and Gabriela discuss that if your website does not offer different methods for a potential client to communicate with you, then the individual will be less engaged with you. Brett stresses that it is imperative for law firms to adapt their technology to allow for differing personal communication preferences. He explains that there are different types of website visitors that want to see awards on the front page, or an easy-to-find contact form, or simply make a connection with a person on the other side of the screen.

Many website visitors view “texting” and “online chatting” as different communication methods. To ensure a lead is never missed, Ngage Live Chat includes both an option for “chatting” and “texting” that are essentially the same. These options provide individuals who have varying preferences a choice to pick which communication method they prefer more and can convert a prospect that may have been lost otherwise.

Brett explains that the preference for texting has increased dramatically in the past eight years. Ngage Live Chat is a mobile-optimized platform that is easy to interact with over the phone. CASEpeer’s integration with Ngage Live Chat allows customers a smooth transition for capturing more leads. Once leads are captured from Ngage Live Chat, they are transferred into CASEpeer where you can create a case, or more aggressively follow up with a lead through CASEpeer’s client texting feature.

Throughout Brett and Gabriela’s conversation, they touch on several key topics around increasing conversion and generating more leads. Brett suggests incentivizing staff to engage and follow up persistently with prospective clients so that they aren’t lost to a competitor. Tracking website visitors, providing several communication avenues, and incentivizing staff to take quick action are a few important factors that bridge the gap between leads and clients. Watch the full webinar for more valuable insights from this conversation with Gabriela Cubeiro and Brett Whitten.