Legal Marketing

Conference Networking Tips for Attorneys

Conferences and summits can be very beneficial for law firms and individual attorneys alike. Meeting new colleagues in your space can result in more referrals, relevant advice, and… Read More >

Conferences and summits can be very beneficial for law firms and individual attorneys alike. Meeting new colleagues in your space can result in more referrals, relevant advice, and promising opportunities. However, if you go unprepared, they can be a waste of time and money.

One of the keys to success at a legal conference is taking full advantage of the networking opportunities. We’ve put together a strategic action plan for effective attorney networking. These tips will serve you well whether you’re going to a bar association cocktail party, or an out-of-state conference.

Step 1: Define Your Networking Goals

Doing something without a goal in mind is a recipe for wasted time. Attending a networking event is no exception. Before you choose to attend a legal conference, ask yourself what you want to accomplish by going. Here are some ideas to get started:

  • Meet potential referral sources
  • Get advice on a specific problem
  • Connect with influential leaders
  • Learn about a new practice area

Step 2: Choose an Event That Will Help You Reach Your Goals

Your time is valuable, so spend it as wisely as you spend your money. Choose conferences, summits, or events that are directly related to your goals. For example, if you’re looking for advice on how to run your solo firm, don’t go to a conference dedicated to large businesses.

Are you looking for more clients? Consider attending a conference specific to your practice area. Are you looking to expand to a new region? Go to an event hosted by that county’s attorney association. If you’re considering new technology for your law firm, evaluate a legal tech conference such as the ABA Techshow.

It can also be helpful to go to an event where you will know several other people. This way you can exchange introductions with your already established network.

Step 3: Go Beyond Exchanging Business Cards

Names are easy to forget. Exchange business cards with the attorneys you meet at trade shows. This helps you keep track of who you’ve met, and helps your colleagues remember you. Give yourself an extra edge, however, by writing brief notes about each new connection on the back of their card.

It may sound strange, but this trick will help you when reaching out to them later. Not only will it trigger your memory about your meeting with that person, if you remember something about your conversation and mention it later, you will come off as more thoughtful and likeable.

Step 4: Followup is Critical

This is a step many forgo, in part because it can be time-consuming. But without followup, you run the risk of your new contacts forgetting you. As with choosing an event, the best followup strategy helps you reach your initial goal. A good start is a Linkedin invitation or a quick “nice to meet you” email.

Effective attorney networking requires effort and practice. It’s an important part of doing business, and growing your legal practice. Stay consistent and follow these tips every time you attend an event for best results. You never know who you’ll meet.

CASEpeer is a legal case management software designed for personal injury attorneys. From intake to settlement, our robust features help law firms become more proactive and powerful. Our goal is to help attorneys grow their business. For more marketing, management, and development tips, visit our blog.

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