How are you keeping your employees accountable while working from home? The COVID-19 outbreak has seen scores of law firms transition to working remotely. As you learn to adapt to this new work environment, keeping your staff accountable to assigned tasks will make sure your caseload and revenue aren’t backed up. Here is how CASEpeer can serve as a solution to keeping your firm employees on task:
Keep Case Communication on the Case
In the office, it’s sometimes too easy to default to sharing information verbally or through email without documenting it properly. When working from home, documenting and communicating case information consistently is critical. How else will anyone know what work has been done on a case?
In CASEpeer you can see your notes for every stage of a case through an easily-searchable interface. You can organize entries with a spectrum of categories and the ability to tag other users for their convenience. Many key activities, such as receipt of documents, are automatically logged, saving your staff time and preserving a record of labor on a file. As firms transition to having less face time, a functionality like this is indispensable for fostering accountability.
Comprehensive Task Tools
Eliminate emails and sticky notes with CASEpeer’s task tools. Assign tasks to specific employees at your firm with attached reminders and alert notifications; this way nothing falls through the cracks. Because many tasks are time-sensitive, users have the option to attach a priority level and deadline to every assignment.
Pending and completed tasks can also be viewed in the Case Notes section of every case, allowing you to track all the moving parts of your workflow.
Establish Consistent Workflows
With CASEpeer’s CASEplan feature, users can create custom task workflows to eliminate guesswork and foster accountability. You can create automated tasks that trigger based on the status of your individual cases. Through CASEplan, you can create an easy to follow roadmap of tasks to be completed so your firm can deliver consistent legal services to your clients.
This becomes especially important as firms transition to working remotely. Because of decreased levels of office interaction, CASEplan can serve as a safety net for law firm staff who may be unsure of the next stages and tasks involved in a pending case.

Management Screens & Reports
With CASEpeer, firm administrators can harness a powerful suite of reports that collect meaningful management metrics. This includes the ability to observe and track employee productivity at any given time. This way you can reward your high performers or identify individuals who may not be keeping up.
- Productivity – See exactly who is doing what (and who isn’t). We recommend checking this report daily for firms working from home.
- Missing Data – Identify cases missing key information like addresses, dates, or insurance details.
- Medical Records Requests – Track all of your firm’s pending medical records requests, streamlining follow-up.
- Demands – Monitor who is sending demands and settling cases.
All reports and management screens can be filtered by the last touch dates, simplifying priorities and follow-up. And remember, CASEpeer’s reports are out-of-the-box, no customization required.
Software in the Cloud
As a cloud-based software, CASEpeer gives you access to all of our functionalities, from anywhere and from any device. That means you can work on your cases, manage firm revenue, and track your staff’s productivity from a distance. All you need is a secure internet connection.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to usher in waves of unprecedented news, CASEpeer can provide you a semblance of certainty. You can safely work from home, while staying rest assured that the law firm you worked hard to build will continue to run efficiently.
If you are interested in learning more about CASEpeer, book a demo with us today.