Gabriela Cubeiro

Stories by Gabriela

Case Management

Why Your Law Firm Needs Case Management Software

Every law firm experiences growing pains. Large case loads, increased competition, employee training, and evolving client expectations are common...

Big Firms

How to Create a Secure Password

Is your password easy to remember? Chances are, the passwords protecting your law firm’s data are not as strong as they should be. From computers, to...

Personal Injury Law Marketing

How to Market Your Law Firm Using Facebook

Social media platforms like Facebook have become powerful marketing tools for attorneys and law firms. Since Facebook launched in 2004, over fifty...

Case Management

Apps Loved By Law Firm Employees

Law firms with an eye on the future hire attorneys and staff ahead of the technological curve. These employees are likely to choose innovative ways...

Legal Productivity

Maximize Your Law Firm’s Productivity

Productivity is important in every industry. Inspiring a team is one of the greatest challenges law firms face. With a productive staff, you can take...

Case Management

Staying in Touch With Tech Savvy Clients

Communication is the key to building strong, trusting relationships with your clients. As an attorney, it’s your job to ensure your client is always...


Is Your Law Firm Safe From Hacking?

All law firms are keepers of privileged information. From social security numbers to medical records, clients trust you with their private data....

Case Management

Should My Law Firm Go Paperless?

Making the switch from paper-based systems to a paperless law firm can be a hard transition, but it's well worth it. Let's talk about the benefits of...


Supercharge your personal injury firm